Contraception & Sexual Health
We can give you information and advice about sexual health, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and methods of contraception. Some forms of contraception can be prescribed by us, such as the pill, contraceptive injections, patches or vaginal ring.

We can prescribe emergency contraception, however, it may be quicker and easier to go to a local sexual health clinic.
Testing for STIs including HIV and some forms of contraceptive such as IUS, IUD and contraceptive implants must be done at a sexual health clinic.
You can find your nearest sexual health clinic on the NHS website.
The NHS contraception guide might help you before your appointment.
Catchment area
If you live in or near our catchment area shown below, we'd love for you to join our practice.
Who is this for?
Anyone, of any age (including people under 16 years old), can have a contraception and sexual health appointment.
What to expect
The nature of your appointment will depend on the type of advice that you are looking for. Who you appointment is booked with will also depend on your needs - most likely a nurse or pharmacist.
How can I book?
You can book an appointment by calling the practice. Our care navigator team will discuss your concerns and ensure that you are booked correctly.
Covered by NHS?
Yes, all contraception and sexual health services, including STI testing and having a contraceptive fitted are free and covered by the NHS.
Contact Details
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