Other NHS Services

While your GP practice is your main front door to the NHS, there are a number of other services available that may be able to help you. Some of these services may be emergency or out of hours services for when we’re not open.

waiting room

We may book you into one of these services, or ask you to book yourself if a GP appointment isn't the best solution for you.

Below we take you through some of these different services and what they do.

Catchment area If you live in or near our catchment area shown below, we'd love for you to join our practice.
Contact Details
Get in touch with Kingfisher Medical Centre
Contact us or call reception on 020 8692 7373
Our mission is to deliver the best healthcare to all of our patients.
Opening Hours Monday - Friday, 8am - 6:30pm
Contact details 3 Kingfisher Square / Staunton Street, London, SE8 5DA 020 8692 7373 lewccg.kingfisher@nhs.net